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  • Writer's pictureHannah Myers

Messy House be Gone

Let's talk about the never ending tasks called household chores! You know the list that never ends and just when you think you're getting everything accomplished, more messes! More dishes, more laundry, more, more, more. I was starting to feel overwhelmed and when I get too overwhelmed, I avoid whatever it is at all costs. I will avoid whatever needs to be done like the plague. Mind you, I am not just a stay at home mom but I also have a job where I work about 10-15 hours a week. On top of trying to stay fit/healthy, be a good, attentive and fun mom and wife. I finally said enough is enough and I started looking on Pinterest to find stay at home mom cleaning schedules. I personally thrive on lists, and being able to cross things off of my list. I tried a handful of different variations of cleaning schedules, but I was still feeling overwhelmed.

I recently purchased a new planner (yes- I like physical planners still). In this planner it tells you which household task to do each day. It gives you a weekly project such as organizing the linen closet, cleaning the garage, ect. I have found this has helped keep me more organized in my cleaning and chores. Instead of trying to manage everything in one day causing me to ignore my kids and be burnt out, this has allowed me to accomplish everything that needs to be done every week, in a timely fashion while also staying present with my boys. 

I will link the planner that I purchased below. It was designed for stay at home moms to help them stay organized. The planner also has a place for weekly meal planning, daily bible chapter, and monthly budgeting. While I am still getting used to implementing it into my daily routine, it truly has helped me stay on top of things. 

I share this not to make money, as I have no connection to the company whatsoever, I share this as a busy mom who was feeling overwhelmed by the household tasks that needed to be completed everyday. This has helped lower my anxiety about doing household chores. Now I wake up knowing that I only have a few tasks to accomplish each day vs waking up feeling instantly overwhelmed by a long daunting list of things. 

Mamas we have enough to worry about everyday with our kids, let's not add the stress of all the household things to that list. Let's work smarter and not harder! 

Until next time friends,



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